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Thredbo Hikes Track Report 20/12

Posted on 23 Dec, 2019

With the festive season just around the corner the trail to the summit of Kosciuszko is full of colour and clear of snow!!! Though this isn’t to say you won’t still get to see and play among it along your journey to Australia’s highest peak. The track to the lookout is full of life; varying heaths flowering intricate and delicate blooms. The dwarf buttercups hugging the waterline, snow daisies scattered along the taller herbs and if you look closely into the ponds beside the track, you may spot some tiny tadpoles swimming around.

Be sure to take a close look at the beauty Mother Nature has to show by taking a Thredbo guide with you. Thredbo guided hikes over the holiday period will be running tours to the summit and back every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. To what is an already breathtaking walk the guides are passionate about sharing their backyard and making it a walk to remember for all.

Beyond Mt Kosciuszko towards the Main Range track to Charlotte Pass hikers will still encounter some snow drifts. Three larger snow crossings should be crossed with care, hiking poles for those looking for more stability. These are mainly around Mueller’s Pass and one between Carruthers and Blue Lake. With the recent high temperatures and strong winds these may be more slippery towards the afternoon as the snow melts.

The remainder of the Main Range track sees the yellow Billy Buttons starting to bloom, purple and white Eyebrights scattered along the walk and anemone buttercups in the runoff areas. Between Lake Albina and Carruthers hikers will be passing over the newest addition to the track; raised walking platform passing over the Windswept Feldmark community. Even the smallest disturbance to the small rocks along this section can allow for irreplaceable soil to be blown away upsetting this unique area.

Ensure when hiking that all walkers remain on the track, do not pick the wild flowers; this will help conserve its fragile beauty for others to enjoy for many years to come.

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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.

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