Guide Bios

When Mimi was 5 she decided she wanted to ski as much as she could, forever. So far so good! Mimi discovered backcountry magic 6 years ago in Japan and instantly begun what will be a lifelong journey of becoming a backcountry tour guide. Mimi loves to share the incredibly intricate and beautiful area that is the Australian alpine and feels super lucky to be able to educate people on how special the land and ecosystem is. Mimi has done tail guiding for a cat skiing operation in Canada along with working on the Fernie’s professional Patrol team. Mimi holds qualification in CSGI mechanised guiding level 1, Avalanche Operations 1, Occupational First Aid 3, APSI 1 Ski Instructing, CAA Intro to Weather and experience with avalanche risk and mitigation.

Owen started work with Thredbo back in 2001 as a ski and snowboard instructor and even took up telemarking to get himself deeper into the backcountry at a time when it was off most people’s radar. Twenty years on, he re-joined Thredbo’s backcountry guiding team to share his local knowledge and stoke for getting beyond the resort boundary with our guests. Owen also helps manage backcountry conditions reports for the Mountain Safety Collective and has formally trained in wilderness first aid, guiding and avalanche risk management

Lachie started with Thredbo in 2018 with the rental team. While setting up backcountry equipment he met the backcountry team and this spiked his interest, leading him to join on a Thredbo Introduction to Backcountry tour in 2021. He knew instantly that this was his calling and began a deep dive into all things backcountry touring and guiding. Lachlan has a passion for snowboarding because of the freedom and exploration it allows. He believes that backcountry touring is the epitome of this freedom – going wherever you like under your own power. Lachlan holds qualifications in outdoor leadership – alpine guiding, avalanche safety and wilderness first aid.

Growing up on the South Coast of NSW, Simmee spent the weekends in winter visiting the Snowy’s with her family. As an adult, Simmeee moved to the snow for work and has spent the last 5 years chasing winters between the beautiful Kosciusko National Park and the cold smoke of Alberta, Canada where she spent much of her free time in the backcountry. She is inspired by how special and beautiful the Australian Alpine is every time she leaves the resort boundary. Simmee has completed a Certificate III in Outdoor Leadership, holds Wilderness First Aid and Level 1 and 2 in Avalanche Skills and she thinks backcountry hot choccies are key for a successful day.
Backcountry Tours
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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.