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Race your mates & win a trip to Aspen!

Posted on 23 Jul, 2017

It’s the age-old debate that frequents the conversations of ski lodges, apres bars and chairlifts at every ski resort around the world…which of your mates is the fastest? Well – finally – we have a simple objective way to resolve the debate once and for all without risking accusations of biased times or cheating friends (we all have one).

The solution: race NASTAR. Need an incentive? You can win a trip for 2 to Aspen. Yep – all you have to do is herd your mates and head to the Thredbo website to book your NASTAR race access and you’re good to go. NASTAR is the world’s largest known recreational ski and snowboard race program. It allows ski or snowboard racers of all ages and abilities to have a go at racing against the best in the world and compare their times.

Once you’ve done that – YOU’RE IN THE DRAW! Which means that even if you realise that you’re that mate who’s been talking up their skiing for years and you are 100% NOT going to come out on top and have to retire due to “sickness” or “other commitments” (*cough), don’t stress because that Aspen trip could still be yours.

Picture it: you and whoever is lucky enough to join you, with return flights from Sydney to Aspen with Delta Airlines, off to spend 7 nights at the incredible Aspen Mountain Lodge. You’ll get 6 days of shredding with tickets you can use across all 4 Aspen mountains as well as premium equipment rental  AND a group or private lesson!

A word of warning…we can only help you as far as booking access to the course, once you’ve got your ticket to race NASTAR, the training, pre-race psych-tactics and of course whatever race-wear you will be donning (racesuits are essential if you want to be as aerodynamic as possible) – are all up to you.

Goodluck – and may the force of NASTAR & the power of all the inflated egos from the entire skiing community be with you.

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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.

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