Sabre Norris: From Surf to Snow…
Posted on 18 Jul, 2017
Just over a week ago the Torah Bright Mini Shred went down and we we’re lucky enough to have a few surf stoked grommets from Newcastle come and visit Thredbo to experience snow for the first time, shred on snowboards for the first time and meet Olympic Gold medallist Torah Bright for the first time.
The Norris family consists of 4 super charged kids, the leader of the pack being Sabre. Sabre is 12 years old and is one of the best upcoming and coming female skateboarders and surfers in the world…she’s a double threat on the board and having now mastered snowboarding under the guidance of Torah Bright…she’s soon to be an unstoppable triple threat.
Following in Sabre’s footsteps are Sockie, Biggie and Nazzie, three loose and colorful siblings of Sabre, who can’t contain their excitement towards shredding on snow for the first time and hanging out at the Torah Bright Mini Shred.
Having all grown up alongside the ocean, the Norris kids picked up snowboarding in a heartbeat, showcasing their advanced ability to balance, turn and glide across snow, similarly to how they would surf a wave. Biggy was the standout of the gang, taking to the Torah Bright Mini Pipe just like Torah herself, boosting out of the walls of the pipe and slashing up the walls like he was a seasoned pro.
After a couple lessons and some fun runs with Torah Bright during her action-packed Mini Shred event, the Norris’ were all quickly shredding up the slopes of Thredbo with nothing but smiles and stoke on their faces.
Check out the video and gallery to see Sabre’s first ever family holiday to the snow…we dare you to try make it through the whole video without laughing.
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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.