Style for Miles: Snow Series Slopestyle Wrap Up
Posted on 4 Sep, 2017 in Thredbo Parks
The penultimate event of the 2017 Thredbo Snow Series is the Slopestyle. With it’s inclusion in the Olympics the already popular event is going from strength to strength. To provide the best course possible the jump and the rail components were held separate with 2 runs on each. The best jump run and the best rail run for each competitor was combined to give the overall Slopestyle score. Without the pressure to link 4 tricks consecutively, competitors could relax a little focusing on 2 jump tricks, hit reset and then focus on two rail tricks.
As the Thredbo Snow Series continues to grow it’s particularly exciting to see a huge increase in female competitors taking part. The girls are shredding, stomping big tricks on the jumps and the rails. As well as upping the ante competitively the girls are super supportive of each other adding to the already positive atmosphere of the event. After several attempts at a double tame dog… double front flip for those not in the know… Ocean Roberts stomped it and the competitors on the start mound went crazy. This is what the Snow Series is all about. Competitors coming together and supporting each other whilst pushing the level of riding.
With the level of riding so high, as always the judges had their work cut out for them with careful consideration required. Combining the jump and rail component scores meant a slightly longer wait than usual which helped to build the anticipation. Once again the Snow Series sense of camaraderie shone through with hand shakes, high fives and hugs the order of the day on the podium. Special mentions for the 2 GoPro prize winners… Martin Longitano for his signature style and Joshua Robertson Hahn for the smoothest switch back fives the judges have seen in a long time.
Slopestyle has been crossed off the list leaving only the Big Air in the Thredbo Snow Series. Once the final event is completed overall series champions in each division will also be decided. Shout outs and thanks to series sponsors Peg, Burton, Go Pro, Rhythm Snowsports and Rossignol… without their support the Thredbo Snow Series would not be so sweet!
Open Men Ski Winner: Sam Baumgartner
Junior Men Ski Winner: Taiyo Kawai
Grom Men Ski Winner: Oskar Schulz
Open Women Ski Winner: Abi Harrigan
Junior Women Ski Winner: Mabel Ashburn
Grom Women Ski Winner: Arkie Ellis
Open Men Snowboard Winner: Josh Vagne
Junior Men Snowboard Winner: Ocean Roberts
Grom Men Snowboard Winner: Jesse Parkinson
Open Women Snowboard Winner: Zahra Kell
Junior Women Snowboard Winner: Kyah Carson
Grom Women Snowboard Winner: Paige Jones
GoPro Prize Winners: Martin Longitano & Joshua Robertson Hahn
For full results click here.
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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.