Thredbo Snow Sport Instructors…Snow Stoked…
Posted on 29 Aug, 2017
The thing that makes Thredbo as magical as it is, is the incredible staff that come from all over the world and all walks of life, illuminating their passion for the mountains and snow sports through the variety of jobs on offer both on and off the mountain throughout the winter season.
Thredbo Snow Sports is lucky enough to have one of the best instructing programs in Australia, catering to all levels and disciplines of skiing and snowboarding. Whether you’re a first timer, intermediate or seasoned pro…Thredbo’s instructors will always point you in the right direction to go.
Adam Hosie, Snow Sports General Manger highlights that “the main thing that diversifies Thredbo’s instructors is the large applicant pool each winter, insuring that the instructors Thredbo place in each position are the highest quality applicants that can be sourced”. Adam further notes that “whether it’s a kids or private lesson, all of Thredbo’s instructors are trained to provide all guests with the best pathway to progression”.
If you’re a beginner and looking at giving skiing and snowboarding a go, not only do we have some of Australia’s best snow sport instructors, we’ve also got the perfect deal for beginners visiting Thredbo this spring. Learn to Ski or Snowboard for FREE this spring that to our awesome spring beginner special.
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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.