Thredbo Welcomes Its First Snowfall Of The Season!
Posted on 5 May, 2022
As temps dropped and the cold front kicked in on Thursday 5 May, Thredbo received a new white coat following the first major blizzard of the season!
On Thursday morning, snow flurries were spotted at the top of Eagles Nest and the Community Bell at Australia’s highest lifted point. We saw temperatures drop to around 0 degrees and snow flurries started to coat the mountain at higher elevations.
Over the weekend, that’s when we saw the real action! On Friday, temperatures dipped to as low as -5.4 degrees overnight and with wind gusts reaching 100km/h, bringing a wind chill temperature of -23.3 degrees covering the mountain in a layer of fresh snow!
On Saturday night, the temps stayed low and the wind subsided. On Sunday morning we woke to see the upper mountain covered in white as the fresh layer had settled on the highest elevated points bringing much excitement and anticipation for the winter ahead!
Stay tuned for more things snow as we approach Winter Opening Weekend on 11 June.
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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.